Sunday, May 18, 2008

Social networking and goodbyes

I get the feeling that there is far too much social networking happening online and that this is a loss somewhere. It is OK if it adds to interpersonal skills by providing another medium to meet and to eventually being face to face, but if it means that people are spending more and more time alone looking at screens and communicating via screens and phones, rather than really being there with each other and looking at each other in the eyes (the window to the soul), and maybe touching each other (in an appropriate way of course!) ... As far as the use for libraries, I am not sure... Will need to think more about this, but I don't have time right now, I have a book budget to balance.
Thank you very much for the experience.

Document sharing with online tools

Fabulous! Just what I have been looking for. Fantastic for collaborative work which is something we do quite a lot in the library field. I had also been looking for ways to send large files OS, music, little films, photos. I now know how to do this and will have a go. Definitely great uses for things like sharing suppliers info, updating members databases (I wonder if Community Info could use it to that purpose? Get organisations to updates their info online).

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Barking mad!!!!

Crazy by Gnarls Barkley

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Pottering with Mashed up motivation

There are loads of promotional uses for the Mashups tools, particularly in the Youth departments I'd say. But also for adults. The nominees and/or winners of photo and art competitions can be displayed in a poster or a calendar...

Puzzled: a royal performance at a friend's birthday

You Tube, You Beauty

I have been a fan of You tube for quite a while, I particularly use it to follow up on new music I hear about (radio direct or podcasts) and to find comic relief to current affairs, It is particularly good to keep up with what is going on on a particular OS topic. In the library field, there could be plenty of uses, author talks, HSC seminars etc...

Summertime.... just beautiful...

And for a laugh: Brain food for Kevin?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Slam the boards

Hey it is on this Saturday 10 May, might register for it...

Slam the boards in the library, we could have something like a competition, Stump a librarian, where the public asked questions trying to stump a librarian...

You're it: tagging, and other LibraryThing

I love the way you can get to see what others with similar interest have bookmarks on i can see hours of fun exploring these. Would be great for Homework Help and directing the public to useful library web sites and articles when the same query come up again and again.
Here are my bookmarks.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Did the wiki bit, added a page for Collection Development to the nswlearning2 wiki which was not an obvious task to perform, but now done using lateral thinking. Training is extremely time consuming, particularly for Collection Development at the end of the financial year. I am sure there are plenty of good usage for Wikis in collaborative work, which is something we do a lot in the library field. Collection development staff could share supplier info on a wiki.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


A bit time consuming to do all this, but quite fun really. Have subscribed to a variety of feeds: book related (the shifted librarian, NY times book review, Washington post book review, LII), some fashion stuff (The budget fashionista), some food stuff (the lazy vegetarian), Some music and film feeds (Rolling Stones and Rotten tomatoes), something for the environment (Tree hugger) and something to cheer me up (Comedy central). And of course the Powerhouse Museum photo of the day...

Saturday, March 8, 2008


I manage to upload a photo but added it to a page element as the one I added to the post didn't show for some reason.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Catching up....

I have recently been on holidays and now it is time to catch up with a few weeks of Library Learning 2.0. During my time away, I went to Springbrook National Park in Southeast QLD. We visited the Natural Arch at night where the walls of the cave are covered in glow worms. Just amazing! Now a bit of a search on Flickr and I am able to find photos which I am going to see if I can upload here..... One hour later, and it is not uploading.... I give up for today ... Library work to be done....

It all started with a blog....

I have been using some but not much of these technologies and it is a great opportunity to learn further. I have family all through the world and it will, I am sure, give us more sharing communication tools. I look forward to learn more.