Sunday, May 18, 2008

Social networking and goodbyes

I get the feeling that there is far too much social networking happening online and that this is a loss somewhere. It is OK if it adds to interpersonal skills by providing another medium to meet and to eventually being face to face, but if it means that people are spending more and more time alone looking at screens and communicating via screens and phones, rather than really being there with each other and looking at each other in the eyes (the window to the soul), and maybe touching each other (in an appropriate way of course!) ... As far as the use for libraries, I am not sure... Will need to think more about this, but I don't have time right now, I have a book budget to balance.
Thank you very much for the experience.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

I think a balance is neccessary. I don't think the idea is to use social networking as a total replacement for face to face, however, it can open up opportunities for discussion with people you woul dnever meet (except online). It is not something which will suit every library so you need to think about this first.

Ellen (PLS)